Weekly  Update

Good afternoon, Rocket families! 

This is Erika Bower, Superintendent of Ridgedale Local Schools, where our mission is to empower students to reach their full potential while focusing on learning, safety, partnerships with our community, and fiscal responsibility.

It seems that our calls are going through more smoothly this past week! Hopefully, we are through the worst of this weather!

As a safety reminder, there should be no cars entering the backside of our buildings, that is the west side of our buildings, until after 3:15pm. This allows all of our buses to safely leave the campus. If you are attending an afterschool event, including athletic practices and events, please wait until after 3:15pm. This is essential for the safety of everyone.

Please remember if you have any safety concerns at any time, you can use our Stay Safe, Speak Up portal found on our website or in the app. This is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We have a busy week ahead of us! On Monday, bowling will compete at Fredericktown, jr. high boys’ basketball will play at Cory Rawson, jr. high girls’ basketball will play at home, and freshmen boys’ basketball will play at Northmor. The high school boys’ basketball will play at home against Crestline on Tuesday. Join us for the elementary literacy night on Wednesday from 6-7pm! On Thursday, the jr. high boys’ basketball will play at Mt. Gilead, the jr. high girls’ basketball will play at home, and the high school girls’ basketball will play at Cory Rawson. The high school boys’ will host Cory Rawson at home on Friday while we honor our youth basketball players. On Saturday, high school wrestling will compete at Ada, high school girls’ basketball will play at East Knox, jr. high boys’ basketball will play at Hardin Northern, and jr. high girls’ basketball will play at home. 

Ridgedale Youth Baseball and Softball sign-ups are scheduled for Sunday, February 4 and Tuesday, February 13 from 6-7:30pm at the elementary cafeteria. Any questions, please reach out to Brad Pottkotter 419-305-1435.  Weblink for additional info: https://sites.google.com/view/...

Mark your calendars for the elementary PTO Valentine’s Day Dance on Saturday, February 10, from 5-7pm. This is for elementary students and their parents/guardians. More information is on our website!

Check out the Google Calendar on our website for all events! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and the LiveFeed to see all of the amazing work being done in our schools!

We are still hiring! Consider becoming a substitute in our schools! You can join our team as a substitute aide, teacher, cafeteria worker, custodian, secretary, and/or bus driver. Please fill out an application on our website, and email me to set up an interview. 

Thank you for all you do for our students, our staff, and our community! Make it a great week, and Go, Rockets!